Who & Why
A unique and wonderful expression of true Lutheran unity will take place on April 25th, 2009 in our own beloved Pacific Southwest District of the LC-MS. Twenty some congregations from around our region will gather at one place to celebrate together our Lutheran heritage, bask in the unity we enjoy by the way of the Gospel and lift high the cross of our triumphant King.
Never before, at least in contemporary memory, has such a large group of congregations joined together to decidedly express the nature of our common confession, our common faith, and our common life. The church, the one, holy, Christian and apostolic church goes beyond each of us, beyond each congregation, beyond even this gathering of congregations. So often we get accustomed to looking at life only by what we see right in front of us, or maybe by what we see on the tele. Couple this predilection with our corrupt flesh’s interest only in what affects us directly and soon a crippled view of the church emerges. Now, in this rare display of our Christ-centered fellowship, we will be afforded a view of the church that is not readily apparent. Yes, God has already opened the eyes of our hearts to see the true nature of Christ’s church. Yes, we still walk by faith and not by sight. No, this humble convocation does not pretend to exemplify the vast length and breadth of the Christian church on earth. But without reservation we do say that this is indeed a significant glimpse into the common life of faith that all believers participate in by faith.
At this Eastertide convocation we will focus on that most basic of Lutheran documents, Martin Luther’s Small Catechism. Three main speakers, the best minds and communicators from our midst, will present a lively and insightful theme from the Catechism that is scripturally supported, simple and elegant in scope, and gives glory to God by making His Son the center of all Christian teaching. A worship service (Matins) will begin the day and a full and robust Divine Service will close our time together. Into the midst of all this throw in the opportunity to engage fellow Lutherans from other cities who, by way of their altar and their pulpit, share in the same life of Christ that we receive at our own places of worship. Our hosts will provide us with a Lutheran Lunch (free!). The music promises to be outstanding (there is a chance for those who wish to sing to join a mass choir), the presentations will be stimulating, and the camaraderie will be warm and memorable.
This Catechism Convocation is for the people. That is to say, that it is directed and meant for all those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, all those who have been brought out of darkness into His marvelous light and all those who long for heaven. The Convocation is for you. The material that is presented will not be “highfalutin” but intentionally applicable to each of us in light of our common human condition and the common life of faith God has called us to.
Lord help us ever to retain
The Catechism’s doctrine plain
As Luther taught the Word of truth
In simple style to tender youth
There is much for us to celebrate in the Lutheran Church. Too often, the stunning value of the treasures God has afforded us is ignored while some artificial and chintzy doodad, held up by the latest carpetbagger, receives all the attention. A spirit is alive among us that says “we will be flimflammed no more.” Our first love will once again hold sway. God calls us to His Son. The Christ-centered teaching of our beloved Lutheran Church is a pearl of untold value and it is our joy. At this, the first annual Catechism Convocation, we will lavish in the treasure God has given us, bask in the Light of Easter joy, and enjoy the rich fellowship of the saints. It is going to be great!
Peace be with you,
Pastor Smith