Presentation 1
The First Article
"First Article First: From the Luther Household to Yours"
We’ll look at the First Article in terms of what Luther’s own “house and home” was like. Who knew he had a garden and a dog? We’ll consider how faith and life come together in the day-to-day of the Christian home. Last, we’ll ask WHY God is Triune – in preparation for the next two presentations on the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Rev. Matthew Richardt is pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Escondido. Matthew was baptized April 13, 1969, and is named after St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Holt, Michigan, his father’s congregation. Matt completed pre-seminary studies at Concordia College, Ann Arbor, and then went to Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, where he remained one additional year to serve as a graduate assistant in the Department of Systematic Theology. He was ordained June 25, 1995, and served congregations first in Festus, Missouri, and then in beautiful Jackson, Wyoming. Following 9/11, Pastor Richardt became a U.S. Navy chaplain and requested duty with the U.S. Marines. He was the first chaplain to deploy with the Marines in the lead-up to Operation Iraqi Freedom. Chaplain Richardt left active duty in 2005 to return to parish ministry. He and the people of Gloria Dei are still grateful to have hosted last year’s Catechism Convocation for the People, April 5. Pastor Matt enjoys running, Indian food, and playing basketball with his confirmands.