Presentation 2
“Lord, Teach us to Pray...” (Luke 11:1)
Can we pray with boldness? How is your adoption through God’s miracle of baptism related to your confidence in prayer? Do we understand God’s prayer promises? Is the Lord’s Prayer a mantra or religious ritual that’s effective simply by saying the words? Come and join us as we explore prayer, especially the most noble prayer the Lord gave us saying, “Pray then like this.”
Pastor Rexford Umbenhaur III is serving Our Savior Lutheran Church in Westchester, CA. He was assigned there in 2000 as a vicar during his final year of seminary education and training. The congregation then called Him to serve them as their pastor. He also serves as a member of region one mission board and is serving a second term as the Pacific Southwest District’s representative on the board of directors for the South Bay Retirement Residence. Pastor Umbenhaur completed his undergraduate studies at National University in San Diego, and his MDIV at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN. Pastor Umbenhaur is a second career pastor. He was formally a recognized expert in the field of business valuation and mergers and acquisitions. He owned his own business consulting firm and brokerage in San Diego. He concluded his seventeen years in that career by writing a book published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., the oldest and most prestigious publisher in the USA. Pastor Umbenhaur is married, has four sons (two are adults living in San Diego), as well as dogs, cats, and other assorted pets. His favorite hobbies are: family, gourmet cooking, good wine, and enjoying all that with friends.