2011 Convocation Menu

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  • “Our Father Who art in
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: Here God would encourage us to believe that He
    is truly our Father and we are truly His children in
    order that we may approach Him boldly and confidently
    in prayer, even as beloved children approach their
    dear father.

The First Petition

  • “Hallowed be Thy name.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: To be sure, God’s name is holy in itself, but
    we pray in this petition that it may also be holy for
  • How is this done?
    Answer: When the Word of God is taught clearly and
    purely and we, as children of God, lead holy lives in
    accordance with it. Help us to do this, dear Father in
    heaven! But whoever teaches and lives otherwise than
    as the Word of God teaches, profanes the name of God
    among us. From this preserve us, heavenly Father!

The Second Petition

  • “Thy kingdom come.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: To be sure, the kingdom of God comes of
    itself, without our prayer, but we pray in this
    petition that it may also come to us.
  • How is this done?
    Answer: When the heavenly Father gives us His Holy
    Spirit so that by His grace we may believe His holy
    Word and live a godly life, both here in time and
    hereafter forever.

The Third Petition

  • “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: To be sure, the good and gracious will of God
    is done without our prayer, but we pray in this
    petition that it may also be done by us.
  • How is this done?
    Answer: When God curbs and destroys every evil counsel
    and purpose of the devil, of the world, and of our
    flesh which would hinder us from hallowing His name
    and prevent the coming of his kingdom, and when He
    strengthens us and keeps us steadfast in His Word and
    in faith even to the end. This is His good and
    gracious will.

The Fourth Petition

  • “Give us this day our daily bread.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: To be sure, God provides daily bread, even to
    the wicked, without our prayer, but we pray in this
    petition that God may make us aware of His gifts and
    enable us to receive our daily bread with
  • What is meant by daily bread?
    Answer: Everything required to satisfy our bodily
    needs, such as food and clothing, house and home,
    fields and flocks, money and property; a pious spouse
    and good children, trustworthy servants, godly
    and faithful rulers, good government; seasonable
    weather, peace and health, order and honor; true
    friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.

The Fifth Petition

  • “And forgive us our debts, as we also have
    forgiven our debtors.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: We pray in this petition that our heavenly
    Father may not look upon our sins, and on their
    account deny our prayers, for we neither merit nor
    deserve those things for which we pray. Although we
    sin daily and deserve nothing but punishment, we
    nevertheless pray that God may grant us all things by
    His grace. And assuredly we on our part will heartily
    forgive and cheerfully do good to those who may sin
    against us.

The Sixth Petition

  • “And lead us not into temptation.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: God tempts no one to sin, but we pray in this
    petition that God may so guard and preserve us that
    the devil, the world, and our flesh may not deceive us
    or mislead us into unbelief, despair, and other great
    and shameful sins, but that, although we may be so
    tempted, we may finally prevail and gain the victory.

The Seventh Petition

  • “But deliver us from evil.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: We pray in this petition, as in a summary,
    that our Father in heaven may deliver us from all
    manner of evil, whether it affect body or soul,
    property or reputation, and that at last, when the
    hour of death comes, He may grant us a blessed end and
    graciously take us from this world of sorrow to
    Himself in heaven.


  • “Amen.”
  • What does this mean?
    Answer: It means that I should be assured that such
    petitions are acceptable to our heavenly Father and
    are heard by Him, for He Himself commanded us to pray
    like this and promised to hear us. “Amen,
    amen” means “Yes, yes, it shall be

Our Father, Who from Heaven Above

Our Father (1.13 KB .mid audio)

  1. Our Father, Who from heav'n above
    Bids all of us to live in love
    As members of one family
    And pray to You in unity,
    Teach us no thoughtless words to say
    But from our inmost hearts to pray.
  2. Your name be hallowed.  Help us, Lord,
    In purity to keep Your Word,
    That to the glory of Your name
    We walk before You free from blame.
    Let no false teaching us pervert;
    All poor deluded souls convert.
  3. Your kingdom come.  Guard Your domain
    And Your eternal righteous reign.
    The Holy Ghost enrich our day
    With gifts attendant on our way.
    Break Satan's pow'r defeat his rage;
    Preserve Your Church from age to age.
  4. Your gracious will on earth be done
    As it is done before Your throne,
    That patiently we may obey
    Through-out our lives all that You say.
    Curb flesh and blood and ev'ry ill
    That sets itself against Your will
  5. Give us this day our daily bread,
    And let us all be clothed and fed.
    Save us from hardship, war, and strife;
    In plague and famine, spare our life,
    That we in honest peace may live,
    To care and greed no entrance give.
  6. Forgive our sins, Lord, we implore,
    That they may trouble us no more;
    We, too, will gladly those forgive
    Who hurt us by the way they live.
    Help us in our community
    To serve each other willingly.
  7. Lead not into temptation, Lord,
    Where our grim foe and all his horde
    Would vex our souls on ev'ry hand.
    Help us resist, help us to stand
    Firm in the faith, a mighty host,
    Through comfort of the Holy Ghost.
  8. From evil, Lord, deliver us;
    The times and days are perilous.
    Redeem us from eternal death,
    And, when we yield our dying breath,
    Console us, grant us calm release,
    And take our souls to You in peace.
  9. Amen, that is, so shall it be.
    Make strong our faith in You, that we
    May doubt not but with trust believe
    That what we ask we shall receive.
    Thus in Your name and at Your Word
    We say, "Amen, O hear us, Lord!"