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Presentation 2

Baptism in the Scriptures of St. John the Apostle

Reverend Doctor William C. Weinrich

The Reverend Doctor William C. Weinrich is Professor of Early Church History and Patristic Studies at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (1972), and received his Doctor of Theology degree from the University of Basel, Switzerland (1977). He joined the seminary faculty in 1975. Dr. Weinrich has served our church body in several additional capacities: The Commission on Theology and Church Relations (1992-2001); Doctrinal Review Commission (1992-1998); Third Vice President, LC-MS (1998-2001); Fifth Vice President, LC-MS (2001-2004). He has recently returned (permanently) from deployment as Rector of the Luther Academy, Riga, Latvia. Dr. Weinrich is the Book Review Editor for the Concordia Theological Quarterly, and is himself a prolific writer, as the following works attest. He is author of Spirit and Martyrdom: A Study of the Work of the Holy Spirit in Contexts of Persecution and Martyrdom in the New Testament and Early Christian Literature; editor of The New Testament Age: Essays in Honor of Bo Reicke, as well as the Revelation volume in the Ancient Christian Commentary series; translator of Greek Commentaries on Revelation, in the Ancient Christian Texts series; and has authored numerous articles appearing in Concordia Theological Quarterly, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Logia, Issues in Christian Education, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and others . In addition to his academic work, Dr. Weinrich served over 30 years in the Indiana Air National Guard, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2002. He and his wife Barbara have three adult children.